The manuscripts and illustrations are
to be sent to:
Fran Stroobants, Royal Numismatic
Society of Belgium.
Royal Library of Belgium,
Penningkabinet, Blvd. de l'Empereur 4,
B-1000 Brussels.
The authors are solely responsible for their articles submitted for publication. They receive no payment.
The name of the author(s) is printed under the title. Optionally, the function or the institution with which the author is connected can be specified in a foot note.
The format of the publication is 16
× 24.5 cm, but the printable area is
11.9 cm × 19.5 cm.
1. Timing
The authors receive an acknowledgment within a week, but this does not constitute a commitment from the editors of the RBN that their submission qualifies for publication or can still be published in the RBN of the current year. Such confirmation can only be given after the article has been the subject of a peer review (click here for the guidelines to the reviewers). The authors shall immediately be informed of the results of such a peer review.
The authors obtain an draft electronic version (pdf) of their article in the layout of the RBN. They must notify, within four weeks, any corrections or comments to the editor.
The RBN appears in principle during the
month of December of each year.
2. Technical aspects
2.1 The articles must be submitted in electronic version in doc format from Microsoft Windows, OpenOffice or LibreOffice. This version can either contain all information, both textual and the illustrations (pictures, diagrams, etc.), or only the textual information including tables, whereas illustrations are submitted as separate files. In any case, it should be unambiguously clear where tables, pictures, diagrams etc. should be inserted in the text.
2.2 Each article should be accompanied by a summary in English of about 10 to 15 lines
2.3 Each article should also clearly mention the contact details of the author(s). In case of multiple authors, it should be indicated which of them will act as single point of contact to the RBN editors.
2.4 Images may be submitted in the most usual formats (tif, jpeg, eps, pdf, etc.). The resolution must be at least 300 dpi. The author also has to indicate the real size of the depicted objects.
2.5 If diagrams are generated using a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel), the files with the numerical values have to be submitted too.
2.6 The choice of the font for the submission of the electronic document is free, provided it respects the Unicode standards (this means that fonts such as Greek or Symbol for displaying Greek text are not accepted). If the author needs special characters, ligatures, monograms, symbols, etc., he should provide clear pictures to the editor.
3. Style Aspects
3.1 The bibliographic references should
be given in the "authors-year" format.
In general, these references are
mentioned in footnotes (not in the text
itself), and the details are given in a
list of references at the end of the
Some examples:
for an article : Furtwängler 1982 = A. Furtwängler, Griechische Vieltypenprägung und Münzbeamte, SNR 61, p. 5-25, pl. 1-2
for a book : Caccamo Caltabiano et al. 1997 = M. Caccamo Caltabiano, B. Carroccio & E. Oteri, Siracusa ellenistica. Le monete ‘regali’ di Ierone II, della sua famiglia e dei Siracusani, Pelorias 2, Messina
for a contribution in proceedings, a liber amicorum, etc. : Mørkholm 1979 = O. Mørkholm, The ‘Behaviour’ of Dies in the Hellenistic Period, in Proceedings of the 9th International Numismatic Congress. Berne 1979, Louvain-la-Neuve & Luxembourg [1982], p. 209-214, pl. 28-29.
3.2 As a rule, coins, medals, etc. are shown actual size and using numbered illustrations in the text itself. Magnified details are also shown in the text itself. On the contrary, enlarged pictures of a whole coin or medal are in principle included on separate plates.
3.3 The authors accept that the style of their diagrams is adapted to the style of the RBN.
3.4 The authors accept that the decision to print pictures, diagrams, etc. whether or not to color, is taken solely by the Directors of the RBN.
4. Copyright and offprints
4.1 The authors receive a pdf with the final version of their article as it appears in the RBN. Other fees are not provided.
4.2 The authors accept that the electronic version of their article can be made available in digital form on the website of the RNSB, from the fifth year after its publication in the RBN.
4.3 The authors must themselves ensure that they possess the copyrights of the images they wish to see included in their article. Under no circumstances can the RBN be held liable for any copyright infringements.
4.4 The authors are requested not to make their article available in electronic format to third parties on a freely accessible website, until 31 December of the second year following that of its publication in the RBN.
© KBGN-SRNB, 2008-2017